Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What's a podcast?
This week we are exploring the intriguing world of "podcasting", but let we start from a short definition...
"A podcast is an audiofile you download from Internet using syndacation feeds so that you can listen to it on your personal computer or on your mp3( if you're lucky on your I-Pod)"

Roaming on the net I found three intresting podcasts, which can be also useful for you:
  1. British Council podcast, where you can improve your skills by listening to a large selection of audio files, but you can also find a full range of learning materials, including grammar and vocabulary exercises.Moreover you can click on different sections :Professional;central;kids;teaching English, and observe the peculiarities of each type of language used.
  2. Bbc News, in this podcast you have the possibilty to listen to an audio and also watch a video about a professor using podcasts at University. he explains his choice and why he abolished traditional lessons.On the website you can also find a summary of the video and watching the video make everything more comprihensible.
  3. ESL learning English:, This broadcast is specific for English learners, it's quite easy to understand and offers not only audio files but also the transcriptions useful for catching on to things you may have missed when listening to the podcast.You'll also find a glossary with defionitions of words.

Now if you like to know my impressions on podcasts and surrondings., click below

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Blogger francesca said...

Hi Lucrezia,
I like the websites that you’ve found. I think that the first website that you have adviced us is very useful for improving our listening skills and pronunciation. It is well organized and I have noticed that it provides not only audio files you can listen to but also online material( such as exercises) by means of which you can check your comprehension. Moreover, the content of the podcasts are really interesting, in particular I like “ English: The Global Language”.

As regards your personal podcast I think that you have done a short but very detailed analysis. Good work!!

See you soon!!
Bye bye

4:17 AM

Blogger Sve said...

Hi Lucrezia,
first of all thank you for leaving your impressions to this e-tivity on my blog. At the end, after spending hours on computer, I wasn't able to record an audio file. But I was able to find some, I hope, interesting podcasts, just like you have done.

Well, we both chose English for ESL students. I agree with you that there are very nice and simple podcasts and especially many podcasts with songs. It could be a funny way to study English.

Also BBC's podcasts are good for us, as English learners, they can help us to improve our listening skills.

Very good choise and good work.

Bye, bye.

4:39 AM


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